Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Keeping Up With GrayMatter on Facebook!

Facebook has announced major changes to the newsfeed coming in the next few weeks. From the sound of things, posts from pages are going to be largely removed from the newsfeed, and you’ll be seeing more posts from friends and family, which is something we all want. However, you may see fewer Graymatter posts in your newsfeed. We’ll still be posting our events, videos and other news … so know that we’re still here! We have a lot of fun stuff happening in the coming year. You might just have to seek out that information by coming directly to the Graymatter page rather than relying on our posts to pop up on your newsfeed. You may still have the option of letting Facebook know that you want to see Graymatter posts by making sure that you’re “following” us (see box next to the “Like” button), and then by hovering over “Follow” on our page (under the cover photo) you can select the “See First” option. Then a bit further down under “Notifications” select "On." You can also sign up to receive our monthly newsletter. The easy sign-up form is available both on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/graymatternc  and also here at our webpage. We promise not to spam you with our newsletter or to share your address with anyone. By signing up for the newsletter you’ll be sure to be notified of upcoming shows and we’ll be sharing fun videos and more with you directly in your mailbox. As always, thanks for following along and being a friend of Graymatter. Have a great 2018!

Monday, January 1, 2018

Looking Ahead - Mark Your Calendars!

January 2nd, 6pm, Lucky 32, Greensboro
January 12th, 8pm, 2 Witches Winery & Brewing Company, Danville VA
January 20th, 7:30pm, Four Saints Brewing Company, Asheboro
January 26th, 6:46pm, The Rooster's Wife, Aberdeen UPDATE: postponed due to illness
February 2nd, 7pm, Craft City Sip-In, Greensboro
February 9th, 8pm, Pittsboro Roadhouse, Pittsboro
February 16th, 9pm, Rusted Bucket Tavern, Burlington
February 27th, 6pm, Lucky 32, Greensboro
March 24th, 7:30pm Four Saints Brewing Company, Asheboro
April 21st, 7pm, Everybus 2018, Pleasant Garden
April 24th, 6pm, Lucky 32, Greensboro
July 27th, 7pm, 4th Fridays/Musical Chairs, Burlington

Keep checking our calendar because we're lining up some great events for 2018!